Frequently asked questions

Is it FREE to use SKLLIN??

Yes it is absolutely free to sign up, post and reply. Upgrading to a package simply give you more of what you need, more job posts, more replies and a better chance of finding the person you need.

How long is the FREE account for?

The Free account is only available for 3 months. You will then need to upgrade to a subscription to be able to continue using your current profile. Your profile will be frozen for 12 months just incase you decide to upgrade at a later date.

Can i both post jobs and reply to jobs?

Yes you can, and this is defiantely the best way to enjoy our product both sharing work and helping others.

How do i contact the SKLLIN team?

Head toward the bottom of any page to find the details you are looking for. Alternatively you can click on the contact us page.

How long should it take to find work?

You can start replying to positions from the very beggining of sign up, however it depends on how many jobs have been posted within your chosen area. If you are strugling to find work please contact us and we will do our best to help.

How long will a FREE account be available to me?

The Free account is only available for 3 months. You will then need to upgrade to a subscription to be able to continue using your current profile. Your profile will be frozen for 12 months just incase you decide to upgrade at a later date.

Is there a referal scheme if i someone i know signs up?

We are working hard to put together our referal scheme. Keep an eye out as we are hoping to offer some form of free usage for anyone who helps us get new users, so you may be benefitting very soon.

All Jobs
Total Tradies

Connecting tradies with jobs that need to be completed. The right tradie, with the right job, at the right time.

Contact Us

General Enquires:
[email protected]

Investment Opportunities:
[email protected]

Skllin Support:
[email protected]