How to find more Trades people

How to find more trades people

Whether you are a general Builder, an investor or large contractor, we have all been there, scouring Google and Yahoo for hours for any tradesperson who is willing to answer the phone. You finally get through and its a call centre taking booking for the person your are trying to speak to, or even better they are fully booked up for months. , i feel your pain.
Well what is causing this issue? … there is a gap in the market which we at SKLLIN intend to fill. You see, although it may seem there is no tradeperson available, it couldn’t be further away from the truth. Infact, EVERY tradesperson needs new work at some point, no matter how booked up they are. You see, our website allows the tradesperson to digitally put their hand up and show they are available. You simply POST JOBS and get replies. We are basically  a hub for the trade, a place where everyone can find each other and share work.

What ways can you find Tradespeople?

– Sign up to  SKLLIN.comm

– Ask friends and family for their recommendations, they will never send you in the direction of a bad tradesperson.

-Check facebook groups such as Spotted Hinckley, these are really good for recommentdation.

-Believe it or not, going to a builders merchants for 8am is a brilliant way to meets tradies, even the guy working in the nearby snack wagon will know every local tradie.

-As a last resort, head to Google if you must, however there is a good chance you may get to see a real review on there. It always seems that when someone want to complain they can only find google to go and do their dirty business.

– The Pub, well it goes without saying everyoe likes a pint so why not mingle and network here, always a good way to get to know someone before they step in you property. Plus who knows, they might ge tyou a drink.

Overall, be creative and do your homework. Vet who is going to be working for you, check their work and be sure you check their business details and insurance certificates. Good Luck!

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Connecting tradies with jobs that need to be completed. The right tradie, with the right job, at the right time.

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