5 ways trades people can find more work

Being a tradperson and finding work is hard going, working all hours, quoting on late nights and days off to then spend a couple of hours writing up quotations and not get the project. I know this feeling because i too have had a renovations company and wasted countless hours doing the same. Naturally you are going to be looking for ways to find work whilst not wasting too much time. So below i listed 5 ways you can find more work however is you are creative enough there is not only enough work to be booked up foor 6 months but to employ a team and support their wages. So lets get started!!

5) Network
Networking in general is a perfect way to meet potential customers or find leads. But what is networking and how do you do it?  In a nutshell, its finding reasons to meet people in person and sharing/selling what your product or services are. If someone you are talking to isn’t interested, they may know someone who would like to get in contact with you.
Don’t overthink it, you can network so easily, from a pub conversation to a network meetup, you have to be ready to sell to anyone anywhere and try to enjoy the process.
You should think abour unitlising your own personal network of friends and family, make sure everyone you know knows what you do, although be careful working for family and friends can be challenging, just be sure you cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s and you should be fine.

4) Advertising
This can be an ideal way to stand out and showcase your product or service to a new audience who would have never come across your company ordinarly. Whether it is on facebook, Insta, pick a platform and stick with it. Try and create realistic collages, before and afters or even a short video of your work. Make it proffesional but… real! Lets face it, what do you think when you see a perfect image taken by a pro photographer? probably the same as everyone else, the images isn’t their work.
The down side to advertising is cost, and the cost of the work you are aquiring must be worth the cost in the first place, so be sure you are aiming your adverts at the correct audience for your product.

3)Be everywhere and create a branding inprint
Being everywhere is simple, but so many fail at it. Lets start with, create business pages on social media websites and post regularly. Create content for your local village or town, that encourages them to engage with your business and keep you in their minds the next time they need someone with your skills. To cement your local branding inprint, dont stop there, hand fliers out, have your car/van vynil wrapped, sponsor teams or charity events. By being in so many places, it allows people to believe you are a bigger company than perhaps you are, giving the impression of proffesionalism and success. Think of B&Q, everyone knows they may get a cheaper kitchen or Bathroom suite but we all feel they will still be around in 30 years.

2) Learn & grow
We have never had a better time in history to grow a company as we have today. With endless podcasts and youtube videos we have no excuses, we have every tool we will ever need right infront of us within seconds. Learning everything from improving the skills you already have to mastering the art of sales, it  all helps you reach a new level of competency. By learning new skills, you can apply yourself in so many differnent ways you could’nt before. Rome wasn’t built in a day, the same as your protential. Learn, work hard and grow.

1) Sign up to SKLLIN
If i do say myself, joining SKLLIN,COM is a masterful idea, one that will allow you to find work from your fellow tradespeople, builders to property investors. The jobs may be for 2 days, a week or event a month, but we all need help to fill our diaries and what better way that simply reply to a job that has been posted.
By registering, you are exposed to the business to business market, this market can open doors in sections of the industry you either didn’t know existed or you did’nt know existed.
By signing up today we are offering a special launch guaratee which we will give a 100% refund, if you do not like the product. So what do you hhave to lose? …Sign up today!

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